Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ballet and ballroom

Things about ballet that make it easier to learn/do ballroom:
  1. The posture (upper body lifted and tilted back, head to side) is just like a back port de bras.
  2. The upper arms are held in a similar manner.
  3. For turns, especially spin turns, I already know how to hold my center.
  4. The way that it feels natural to turn my head is usually the right direction.
  5. Waltz steps have the same lilt as waltz steps in ballet.
  6. I know how to turn my head quickly (useful for tango).
  7. Anything with the leg extended feels like a tendu.
  8. I'm used to changing levels (relevé, plié).
  9. I'm used to moving my feet quickly (petite allegro).
  10. I can step behind myself easily.
  11. In the Latin dances, I'm all over turning out and pointing my feet.

Things about ballet that make it harder to learn/do ballroom:

  1. Turnout, especially in promenade position in tango.
  2. For years it was drilled into to me to always step with the toes first.
  3. For years, it was also drilled into me to not stick my butt out, but you're supposed to for the Latin dances.

This list will get updated as more things occur to me.

[11-1-05] Added 11 on +, 3 on -.


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