Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Jon Stewart, May 10, 2008, Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center

Yes, it's been almost two months since I saw this standup performance by the host extraodinaire of The Daily Show. What with Mr. Silvershoes starting a new job that requires him to be out of town a great deal AND with a baby on the way, blogging just hasn't risen to the top of the list lately, so I have a few things to catch up on. Don't expect much; I simply didn't want to leave this performance off the list.

What can I say? Jon Stewart is a funny man. While some of this routine was lifted from The Daily Show, most of it was new to me. Of course the joke lineup included several pointed political observations, but the funniest part was when Mr. Stewart started talking about his pets. I nearly rolled into the aisle when he went on a riff about his dog getting sick, having experienced something similar with Gretchen in the not-too-distant past. Isn't it funny (peculiar) that something so disgusting can turn funny (ha ha) in retrospect?


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