Tuesday, April 25, 2006

And now, Atlanta

As the man says, and now for something completely different. You never know where life is going to lead you; in my case, it has led me to Atlanta. We have now officially taken up residence in Georgia, and thinking about it too much still makes my stomach hurt. It's not that I have anything against Atlanta, just that I've left so much behind in Houston. I have to say that I did not truly appreciate how many good friends I had made in Houston until it came time to leave. Logically, I know that I'll make new friends here, but that doesn't make it any easier to leave the olds ones behind.

Of course I'm impatient and want to have great places to dance right away. I've taken ballet classes at two different studios now, and according to that sample one could conclude that no one in Atlanta does frappés or ronde de jambes en l'air. Fortunately there are several different studios and many different teachers to try, and I'm sure at least one of them will get around to doing a grand allegro. In the mean time, I'm kind of enjoying not running off to dance class every day.

So, I'm sure you're wondering what will become of my lovely blog about dancing in Houston. (Or at least I hope you're wondering.) I see in the future many opportunities to compare and contrast the Houston and Atlanta dance scenes. As Mr. Silvershoe's former students would have written, "The dance scenes in Houston and Atlanta are both similar and different." To begin with, the Atlanta Ballet's season was over before I got to town in the middle of April. Houston Ballet still has two more productions scheduled! (I'm hoping to catch at least one of them on the tail end of a business trip back to town.) Additionally, the modern company CORE Performance Company performs in both Houston and Atlanta. I never managed to see them in Houston, but maybe I'll catch them here.

LOL - The spell-checker on blogger.com doesn't recognize the word "blog."


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